Finding the Cures, Together

If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together!
There are no cures for LGS. Together, we can change this!
The whole LGS Community must lead the fight to finding the cures. We want to do our part! To that end, the LGS Foundation has launched its Finding the Cures, Together Research Program. Here we have laid out our steps to find the cures for LGS.
Steps Towards the Cures for LGS
We understand the importance of connecting our community. Being part of a supportive group can be one of the best ways to navigate life with LGS.
It is our mission to ensure that nobody walks the LGS journey alone.
To date, we have built an amazing LGS community of support that is over 12,000 community members strong! And we add many new members to our community every month!
The LGS Foundation provides support, education, and advocacy programs to help empower caregivers and families to get involved in LGS research efforts.
Families are crucial in helping to find the cures for LGS.
We know that patient-families are the experts on what it is like to live with LGS, so we work to bring together our collaborative voices and transform the way new treatments and therapies are developed.
Patient priorities and desired research outcomes drive everything we do in our Finding the Cures, Together program.
Patient-families must be involved in accelerating research in LGS. LGS has been treated the same way for more than 30 years. It's time to change that!
The LGS Foundation brings together patient-families and researchers to drive LGS research to new heights.
With our LGS Collaborative Research Network, we push the conversation about research beyond only treating the symptom of seizures but also finding treatments that target the whole syndrome.
JOIN OUR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORKFurther, we are actively seeking disease-modifying therapies that target the root causes of LGS.
Join us at one of our many research conferences as we bring researchers and those living with LGS together to discuss how we can find the cures, together.
RESEARCH CONFERENCESPatient-families have the power to help clinicians, researchers, and scientists understand how LGS starts and progresses and what matters most to us. We are the experts on living with LGS.
We are harnessing the power of the patient-family community to fund patient-led research - research that is most important to families with LGS and research that keeps the patient voice at the forefront during every step in the process.
Since 2014, the LGS Foundation has funded approximately $2M in LGS research. The Foundation’s Cure LGS 365 Research Grant has provided funds for over a dozen projects around the world, and this number is growing rapidly.
The LGS Foundation is working hard to build a Learn from Every Patient Database. Every day, our loved ones try new treatments. But this data is not being collected and shared in any systematic way. We are going to change that!
The science we accelerate to find the cures for this catastrophic epilepsy disorder of early life will not only help those with LGS, it will also help usher in cures for other circuit and aging disorders of the brain.
RESEARCH GRANT FUNDING OPPORTUNITIESPatient families with LGS participate in clinical trials and take survey after survey, but too often this information is not made readily available to families and to the wider research community.
VIEW PATIENT-FAMILY SURVEY RESULTSTo advance LGS research, we must free the data.
Every Year, the LGS Foundation has a strong presence at the American Epilepsy Society's Annual Meeting where we are committed to freely sharing data about LGS.
Visit us at our exhibit table to find out more about our LGS activities at AES.
Exciting New Directions in LGS Research & Care
LGS Foundation’s Executive Director, Tracy Dixon-Salazar, PhD shares insights on exciting advances in research for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) and how the LGS community is leading the fight to the cures for this devastating disorder!
It’s time we found the cures for LGS.
Updated 09/26/24 (KK)