Adult C.A.R.E. Binder
Long-Term Care Planning for Adults with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS)

Watch: Preparing for Transition & Understanding the Unique Needs of Adults with LGS
Adult C.A.R.E Binders
The C.A.R.E. (Caring for Adults with Rare Epilepsy) Guide is an interactive, fillable PDF resource designed to assist families in planning long-term adult care for individuals with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS).
This comprehensive tool addresses the challenges families face as their loved ones transition from pediatric to adult care settings. The guide covers key considerations, preparation steps, and available support resources for this important life transition. While not exhaustive, it provides valuable insights into:
- Essential factors to consider during the transition process
- Necessary preparations for adult care
- Available support services and resources
By utilizing this guide, families can navigate the complexities of adult care planning with greater confidence and clarity, ensuring a smoother transition for their loved ones with LGS.
We would love to know what you think… Please take a moment to share your feedback on the Adult C.A.R.E. Binder. Submit feedback here. Thank you!

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Updated 01/08/25 (AM)