International LGS Awareness Day

Join Us In raising awareness for the more than one million children and adults worldwide living with LGS! On November 1st, International LGS Awareness Day, communities from around the globe come together to raise awareness for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS). LGS is a...

LGS Foundation Annual Awareness Dinner

Harbor View Loft 1880 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Tickets are now available for the biggest night of the year! The 2024 LGS Foundation Annual Awareness Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 2nd at the Harbor View Loft in San Diego, California. The evening will feature a silent...

Dad to Dad – Nov. Support Group Meeting


Join us Wednesday, November 20th at 8 pm ET Hosted by dads, for dads. Join our exclusive support group for male caregivers and Dads as we talk, share, and offer encouragement to each other along this LGS journey. Bring your...

LGS Grupo de Esperanza – Reunión del grupo de apoyo de noviembr


Join us Thursday, November 21st at 8 pm ET Nadie debería caminar solo en este sendero El grupo de esperanza de LGS es un espacio seguro para reunirnos virtualmente y compartir nuestras historias. Únase a las cuidadoras Bertha Guillén y...

LGS Grupo de Esperanza


Join us Thursday, January 16th at 8 pm ET Nadie debería caminar solo en este sendero El grupo de esperanza de LGS es un espacio seguro para reunirnos virtualmente y compartir nuestras historias. Únase a las cuidadoras Bertha Guillén y...

Dad to Dad – January Support Group Meeting


Join us Tuesday, January 21st at 8 pm ET Hosted by dads, for dads. Join our exclusive support group for male caregivers and Dads as we talk, share, and offer encouragement to each other along this LGS journey. Bring your...